Areas of Practice

Contrarian Investments


Gruber Dowling Holdings tends to ignore currently popular sectors, focusing on areas that are out of favor: energy, food, minerals, and disruptive innovations. Fundamental needs on one hand - groundbreaking on the other.

Many of these sectors are cyclical. When viewed in conjunction with trending market forces, popular consensus, and government “initiatives”, it is possible to make smart investments in cyclically depressed securities and businesses. To paraphrase Baron Rothschild, we look to buy when there is blood in the streets.



Although philosophically and morally opposed to government intervention in the markets, this does not mean we cannot take advantage of the inevitable distortions created by inept government interference.

Speculation is not gambling! At Gruber Dowling, we make well-educated decisions based on sound, Austrian-based economics. While Keynesian economics advocates for government rules, laws, taxes, and regulations, Gruber Dowling understands that these very controls are directly responsible for the business cycles they are meant to prevent. With a thorough understanding of government-induced cause and effect, Gruber Dowling Holdings positions itself to profit well from what we see as inevitable boom and bust cycles in specific industries.

Wealth Creation


Gruber Dowling works with businesses that are missing that extra something to take them to the next level. Sometimes that is simply a capital infusion and passive investing. Oftentimes, we bring years of management skills and experience into the value equation, helping elevate business performance.

With a wealth of diverse industry connections built over a lifetime, Gruber Dowling Holdings oftentimes can provide valued introductions, connecting the dots and creating an environment for our clients to flourish.

Distressed and underperforming businesses are also opportunities for wealth creation. If you own a distressed business and need help, Gruber Dowling Holdings may be able to provide you with an exit strategy. Click here to contact us.

Our sole objective is to assist in the creation of new wealth.

If you are interested in working with Gruber Dowling Holdings, please contact us.